Sienna's Story
Sienna was extremely ill for 5-days before being diagnosed with Kawasaki disease we're going back and forth to the hospital before any Doctor spotted it absolutely heart-wrenching watching your Daughter be so ill and no one being able to help her . On day five I went back to A&E and the doctor on call was able to diagnose her and start treatment straight away if it wasn't for him I don't know where she would be today. It was such a lonely time as there was not a lot of information or support for Kawasaki disease at the time going back and forth from different hospitals
She was first told that she only had a virus she should be better in a couple of days and to go home. When sienna was finally diagnosed she started of intravenous gamma globulin (IVIG), and high-dose aspirin every six hours. Then after three months she was only taking aspirin once a day she carried on taking aspirin for the rest of the year
Current Conditions
She has been told she has heart disease and has to have mammograms done on her heart every 6-months and it's waiting for a stress test